CrowdChain is a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform that enables transparent, secure, and decentralized fundraising campaigns. Built with smart contract technology, it provides an environment where creators can raise funds and donors can contribute.
Technical Architecture
Smart Contracts (Solidity)
The platform's core functionality is implemented through different smart contracts:
CampaignBase Contract: An abstract contract that serves as the foundation, handling campaign creation and core campaign management functionality.
CampaignDonation Contract: Extends CampaignBase to manage financial transactions, including:
Processing donations
Handling refund requests
Managing fund withdrawals
CampaignUpdates Contract: Built on top of CampaignDonation, enabling:
Campaign progress updates
Milestone tracking
Donor communications
Crowdfunding Contract: The main deployable contract that inherits all the functionality from its parent contracts.
The prices of supported ERC20 tokens are gotten through the ChainLink price feed aggregator.
All smart contracts are thoroughly tested using Foundry. ERC20 tokens and their prices are mocked locally.
Frontend (Next.js)
The user interface is built with Next.js, providing:
Responsive design with TailwindCSS
Wallet and blockchain integration with Wagmi, Viem, and ConnectKit
Easy donation process
Real-time campaign tracking
Campaign search through different categories
Backend (Express.js)
An Express.js server handles:
IPFS integration through Pinata for decentralized storage of campaign images
Results caching (with Redis) for improved performance, including:
Total campaigns created
Aggregate fundraising statistics
Campaign search results
Supported token listings
Total refunds processed
Key Features
Decentralized Campaign Management
Create and manage fundraising campaigns
Set funding goals and deadlines
Track campaign progress
Secure Financial Transactions
Transparent fund management
Automated refund mechanismSecure withdrawal process
Campaign Updates
Post progress updates
Maintain donor communication
Performance Optimization
Cached results for frequent queries
Efficient IPFS image handling
Optimized smart contract interactions
What I Learned
By building this full-stack crowdfunding project, I learned about:
Working with ERC20 tokens
Protecting against reentrancy attack
Optimizing gas in solidity
Getting off-chain data, especially price feeds
Using blockchain events as a database
Communicate with blockchain on the client and server
Technical Stack
Blockchain: Ethereum
Smart Contracts: Solidity
Testing Framework: Foundry
Frontend: TypeScript, Next.js, TailwindCss, ConnectKit, Viem, Wagmi
Backend: Express.js, Reddis, MongoDB
Storage: IPFS (Pinata)
State Management: Zustand